a Message by CEO Natasha Brown Watson
The purpose of this message is to speak a BLESSING over your life, family, business, and dreams and to provide you with prophetic encouragement. May God bless, keep, renew, and restore you in 2022.

I encourage you to continue to seek God for His purpose and assignment for you in this season. Ask Him how He's moving and where you need to focus for this season. I say "this season," because what God is going to do in your life in 2022 has already begun. While the world will be celebrating the mark of a new year on January 1st, we have actually already entered our new year. The new Biblical year of 5782 began in September, and we are approaching its second quarter.
There are a few things I'm sensing that will be important for our year of 2022, and they include:
Encounters: this means encounters with God through intentional worship, prayer, study, and fellowship with others. We are in a pandemic that will continue to bring trying days ahead for many, BUT GOD is able to keep, sustain, heal, and restore us.
Equipping: meaning equipping in our gifts, talents, and abilities - including professionally, relationally, financially, and spiritually.
Expecting: this is a call to expect God to move. As a sister in Christ put it, our only expectation of God is to expect Him to do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ask or imagine according to His power that works in you (Ephesians 3:20); I've been sensing the importance of this scripture to our lives all month, and this week, the Lord confirmed and drilled in on it through many of His seasoned servants.
This is also a call to REMAIN IN FAITH for your God-given promises to come to pass.
Reminder: whatever you SAY you believe or PREACH to others will be tested in your own life! Rely on your promises and the Word of God for your life and HIS track record during times of testing.
Be intentional to ensure 2022 is your blessed year!
I'm hosting a prayer event and study early in January 2022. Subscribe to the We Who Dwell Faith Network e-mail list to get updates.
Learn more about Jesus Christ, and His mission to bring us into His purpose, power, and peace in the replays of the 5-part Christ Uncovered Bible Study with We Who Dwell Faith Network: Click here.
We're opening our intercessory prayer team for the We Who Dwell Faith Network and We Who Dwell. If God has called you to be an intercessor, please pray and click here to apply to join if you feel led.
Thank you for your connection to myself and our Christ-centered organizations: ELOHAI International Publishing & Media, We Who Dwell Faith Network, the Write Speak Increase Academy, and Suddenly Marriage Podcast.
I truly do appreciate you and look forward to connecting and collaborating in 2022.
God bless you and your new year!
- Natasha
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Natasha Brown Watson
Author, Publisher, Minister