October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and ELOHAI International has partnered with a passionate and resilient survivor to release a phenomenal faith resource for women who are in the fight of their lives.
On October 15, 2014, Author and First Lady Tammie Jones received the dismal diagnosis that she had stage 3 breast cancer. After her diagnosis, while many people would be filled with thoughts of doom and even death upon receiving this news, Tammie released the Word of God and she witnessed miracles and healing that shocked physicians and drew loved ones closer to Jesus Christ. Today, seven years later, not only is Tammie a survivor, but she is also the author of Faith to Fight: Standing Firm in the Face of Cancer, part memoir, part scripture journal for those who are conquering cancer.
Faith to Fight includes the Bible promises Tammie used to stand firm during this fight and also provides space for reflection and personal prayer for the warrior who is within the battle.
Learn more and order your copy at http://faithtofight.org

Faith to Fight is published by ELOHAI International Publishing & Media, a great commission company that partners with kingdom-minded visionaries to share their mission-centered stories. Visit us at http://elohaiintl.com.