Join Dr. Eddie Maddox for an exciting online book launch event of How to Beat the Odds: Be Driven!

About this Event
During this book release event, Author Eddie Maddox, Ph.D., will read portions of his new release How to Beat The Odds: Be Driven! and discuss key success factors that have helped him in various stages of life, despite growing up in a low-income family in rural South Carolina. Today, as a high-level engineer, college professor, and family man, Dr. Maddox has become a part of America's top one percent earners. In addition, Dr. Maddox enjoyed a successful college football career and has mentored men and women throughout the nation to reach their own personal, athletic, and career goals.
This conversation will inspire you to achieve more and become the greatest version of yourself!
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“This book is about championing the cause of eradication of debt and overcoming the fears of obtaining financial freedoms to pursue happiness. Dr. Maddox is best suited to write this book as he never has forgotten his humble beginnings even through his great success and accomplishments. I’ve seen him cut his entire yard with a push mower while having a riding mower in his garage. I’ve also seen him drive a Ford ranger pickup truck while having a Mercedes in his garage. I have never witnessed him talking down to or belittling anyone, his deeds or words have always been exceptional. Eddie’s dedication to tell this story is a testament to the man that he is, and I hope that his book will encourage and motivate others to be all that they can be by gaining their financial independence. It is my hope that you will read it and learn from Eddie’s vast knowledge and experience.” - John Gambrell, Army Sergeant - Cousin and Friend “Aspiring leaders would be remiss to fail to embrace the pragmatism, optimism, and unequivocal drive of Dr. Eddie Maddox. Dr. Maddox, scarred by experience, has forged himself, through attitude and aptitude, into a successful leader, entrepreneur, mentor, and educator. Dr. Maddox’s approach challenges the Peter Principle, with conviction, and removes the concepts of incompetence, or inability, from the vernacular. I am sincerely excited for the cumulative opportunity to study, and ultimately emulate, the behaviors of a mentor, for which I am eternally grateful.” - Chris Burdette, Director of Operations and Former Mentee “As a teacher, my career began in Alabama in 1958 and spanned thirty plus years during which I was honored to teach thousands of children in grades four through twelve. In every teaching career there are a few students that “flip the script” and inspire the teacher in a unique way, and Eddie Maddox was that student for me. While Eddie has always maintained that I influenced him, I maintain that the opposite was true. Eddie was an “old soul” even as a fourth grader. He had a sense of purpose and character that was extraordinary for one so young. However, despite his natural gifts, he also displayed a quiet determination for excellence and a receptive spirit for learning. I can only acknowledge that I recognized his giftedness (but I couldn’t imagine how anyone could not have noticed). While I certainly wish that I could claim credit for Eddie’s many achievements, both personal and professional, I must conclude that he was destined and self-determined for success –and he has most assuredly earned it. I can only be honored to have been a part of his journey.” - Pat Evans, Fourth Grade Teacher Lifetime Friend “This is the story behind the accomplishments and success that Eddie has experienced. Eddie has a level of commitment that creates a mindset to not give up and work until he succeeds. Sometimes success means you deviate from your original plan, but it still gets you to the next level. This commitment was critical in him accomplishing goals even when circumstances forced him to take a different route. The most important thing that Eddie has is his faith in Jesus Christ to carry him through anything that this world can offer. This faith provides a foundation that allows his pride and commitment to fuel his drive to accomplish many things. I have enjoyed working and becoming friends with Eddie over the past four years as we have similar life story journeys.” - Marty Hallman, Plant Manager “On this journey that we call life, there are people that come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Eddie is an individual that will leave a lasting impact under any of these circumstances. This is the story of a young man that went from being an at-risk kid in the Head Start program to a calculated, risk taking individual that has been successful in sports, education and business. This is the story of an individual that defied the odds and has been able to rise from poverty as a child to being in the top one percent of wage earners in America. In traveling this journey with Eddie, you will discover certain Godly principles that can be applied regardless of background, religion, race or ethnicity. Eddie has leveraged his talents and abilities, helped others along the way and operates with the highest level of integrity. Take this journey and discover the principles that can help anyone to beat the odds.” - Dr. Jonathan A. Waller, Plant Manager