Reading Red: The Gospel According to Jesus is the new book and study guide by Shawn Echols. Watch the virtual release party below.
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About the Book
Reading Red: The Gospel According to Jesus is a generational gift to the Body of Christ with an aim to return the Church back to the actual teachings of Jesus Himself. All throughout scripture we both see and hear of this concept of Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone. It’s important for us to realize that all alignment and stability, for both the individual believer and the Body of Christ as a whole, will require being firmly built upon Jesus Christ and all that He taught. Today, in the twenty-first century, Jesus desires to achieve what He was able to accomplish in the life of His disciples over 2,000 years ago. The difference between then and now is the messages we hear. As we revisit the gospel, according to Jesus, we’ll be better suited to re-present Him more accurately to the current generation. When believers are fed everything but Jesus, we’ll resemble everything except Him.
In Reading Red you’ll learn…
Nine essential teachings for every follower of Christ
What Jesus taught about warfare and how to walk in victory
The dynamics of authority
How to live as a citizen of the Kingdom
And SO much more.
About the Author
Shawn Echols is the lead pastor and founder of Greater Works International Fellowship in Houston, Texas. Graced with a strong apostolic anointing and gift to teach, his assignment is to empower a generation through the truth of God‘s Word. Burning with a heart for revival and souls, his desire is to see lasting transformation, and sustainable victory in God’s children. Husband to Sadjah Echols, they are parents to four beautiful children: Chyna, Elijah, Nehemiah and Acacia.