We hosted a dynamic book discussion with Bestselling Author Carl H. Sharperson, Jr. about his new release Sharp Leadership: Parenting Principles for Rearing Young People. If you are a parent or leader of young people, you want to definitely grab a note pad and pen and watch this interview. Carl shared the top issues young people are dealing with; how to raise difficult or rebellious children, and successful strategies his family implemented to ensure their children's success.
Carl Sharperson Jr. is a Leadership Innovation Strategist, speaker, author, and coach. He specializes in taking leaders from mediocre to maximizing their potential in work and personal life. He transforms his audience and coaching clients through his proprietary Sharp Leadership coaching process as well as drawing from his unique experiences in the military, Corporate America and entrepreneurship.
Watch Sharp Leadership Parenting Book Discussion below.
Sharp Leadership is for those who:
1. Have unmotivated young people
2. Have disrespectful young people
3. Are concerned about their children living independently
4. Are unclear about how to navigate parent, teacher, and child
5. Are concerned about unhealthy habits
Sharp Leadership inspires and offers strategies on how to:
1. Use consistent discipline
2. Lead from an authentic place
3. Overcome adversity with sanity
4. Form a tribe of supporters
5. Make every circumstance a learning opportunity