New Book Release

In 1973, in the aftermath of a deadly tornado, a five-month-old baby boy was discovered in the rubble of a ravished mobile home park. From this tragic beginning, Rise from the Rubble: Ascend Beyond Destitution to Achieve your Destiny shares the awe-inspiring life story of Thomas Pagsisihan, who fought through poverty, homelessness, and neglect to escape the horrors of his childhood. Rise from the Rubble transports readers to the callous south where the author must rise beyond the abuse and hate he is subjected to at the hands of unfit parents and guardians. At his lowest point, a young Thomas Pagsisihan meets a stranger who shares wisdom that sets him on a path of change. This book challenges readers to assess and reflect on life in a way that will help identify steps to reach their desired outcomes.No matter where you find yourself today, Rise from the Rubble will provide the tools to achieve your destiny and rise from life's setbacks.
Rise from the Rubble is a group site where people can motivate each other and discuss your own Rise from the Rubble moments. Whether you've been through adversity or destitution or you still need to RISE UP, then feel welcomed to the site for motivational progress and continuous life improvement.

Thomas Pagsisihan

about the author
Thomas D. Pagsisihan is a former United States Marine, lean transformation specialist, speaker, author, and coach. He specializes in true servant leadership believing that success in life comes from helping others succeed in their lives. He specializes in helping others fulfill their dreams with a life improvement process. Thomas realizes that people with the worst adversity and destitution can have some of the best futures.
Tom received an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps and earned the rank of Staff Sergeant after eight years of service. He received meritorious promotions, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and other meritorious masts while on active duty. In 2011, he was voted one of the Top 40 under 40 years of age by Civilian Job News as an impactful veteran in the manufacturing industry.
Now a plant manager of a 60M plastics plant out of Atlanta, Georgia, Tom spends his time coaching and managing others to succeed in their careers to truly have an impact on the business world and people’s personal lives. He is very thankful to rise from destitution being homeless at one point to having a wonderful family, a solid job, and a place he has called home in Maysville, Georgia for seventeen years.
Tom wrote Rise from the Rubble with the hopes that readers will understand that it is never too late to start a new path in life.