The Comprehensive Coaching Cohort (TC3)
1-on-1 + Group Coaching for Authors and Business Owners

Your stories open doors to your future, and our goal is to help you launch and thrive as an author and business owner.
Every visionary leader needs a team, yet many attempt to build their projects alone.
Through The Comprehensive Coaching Cohort for Authors and Business Owners, we're helping creatives like you write and finish books, launch profitable programs, and develop solutions for marketing and branding.
Our coaching program is powered by a team of expert creatives, and I work with each coaching client in group and individual settings to provide personal solutions to each person's needs. I look forward to serving as your coach as you reach your next level of success.
Natasha Brown Watson, TC3 Coach
Publisher and CEO of ELOHAI International
Comprehensive Coaching for Authors and Business Owners offers an expert storytelling and business consulting team. Even better, we do this while providing practical, thought leadership to help you solve real-time problems and address immediate author and business concerns.
Coaching takes place in both group and 1-on-1 virtual meetings.
The Comprehensive Coaching Cohort Helps
Write Clear, Compelling Stories
Implement Successful Book Launch and Bestseller's Strategy
Develop Post-Launch Book Sales Strategies
Build Online Author Brands
Build Authentic Readership and Online Presence
Solve Publishing Challenges
Turn your Book into a Movement!
+ Business Owners
Launch New Brands
Create Marketing Strategies
Develop into Public Speakers
Create Social Media Content Plans
Get Started.
The stories you share will determine the doors you walk through...

Diane D. Author
This coaching is so powerful. I keep listening to the videos and each time I learn more. You are an amazing coach!

About Your Coach
The Comprehensive Coaching Cohort is led by Natasha Brown Watson, MS, MDiv, an award-winning communications and business consultant, writer, storyteller, and book publisher.
Natasha is sought after for her profound ability to connect brands to markets, from niche to mainstream. Her passion is empowering visionary leaders to share their best stories and create programs that lead to impact, influence, and increase.
Natasha is a best-selling author and ghostwriter of over 25 books, book coach, former writing professor, award-winning journalist, and marketing strategist to hundreds of brands in numerous industries with over 20 years professional experience.
In addition to her work in business, Natasha is a well-known faith speaker who helps audiences break free from toxic patters to live and thrive in victory.