Natasha T. Watson, MS, MDiv.
#1 畅销书作者 |出版商 |圣经老师

远离快餐连锁店和星巴克咖啡,无法使用亚马逊 Prime 和 24 小时健身中心,在东非坦桑尼亚一个简单而美丽的村庄体验生活。在《没有多余》中,娜塔莎·T·沃森 (Natasha T. Watson) 带领我们踏上了一次精神之旅,在这个丰富的非洲文化及其强大而真实的基督教传统的简单真理中,上帝的心得以彰显。
Natasha T. Watson is an author, publisher, leader, teacher, and missionary called to both the marketplace and global missions. As the CEO of ELOHAI International Publishing & Media and a communications consultant, she has helped individuals and organizations share mission-centered stories for over 15 years.
Natasha earned a bachelor of science degree in communications from Morgan State University, a master of science degree in professional writing from Towson University, and a master of divinity degree with a concentration in marketplace ministry from Regent University.
Natasha is also a survivor turned advocate of domestic violence. In 2015, she published her first bestselling book 10 Blessings of Betrayal: A Spiritual Journey of Rebuilding through Tragedy after experiencing God's redemption after being wrongfully accused. Faced with the ultimate betrayal and the greatest personal and professional battle of her life, Natasha leaned on her faith in God and discovered 10 blessings within her darkest moments. Ultimately, Natasha was vindicated and through this experience, she wrote 10 Blessings of Betrayal and was pushed into the purpose of helping others share their stories through book publishing. Natasha has been featured by Black Enterprise Magazine, Radio One, The AFRO, Hope for Women Magazine...and selected by General Motors to be a GM Influencer at the 2015 Stellar Gospel Music Awards. In 2015, she was also named to the Forty Under 40 honorees for Prince George's County, Maryland in the business category.
Natasha is now the CEO of ELOHAI International Publishing & Media, Founder of 10 Blessings Inspiration, Inc, a domestic violence support non-profit; and the creator of the We Who Dwell Faith Community, where she hosts a weekly prayer meeting and podcast called The Victory Prayer Circle. In 2019, Natasha also began her work as a cross-cultural missionary and spent six months teaching at a Bible college in Tanzania.
Today, Natasha's focus is advancing the kingdom of God through discipleship, evangelism, Bible teaching, and sharing important mission-centered stories. Natasha now lives in Houston, Texas with her husband Ray J.

2019年进入宣教园地,在坦桑尼亚纳萨神学院(NTC)担任神学教育家。 我在Bulima村住了六个月,很快就堕落了热爱美丽的文化,热爱牧师、传教士和福音传道者的学生。今天,我继续担任教师的导师和成员。 这项使命至关重要,因为 NTC 是坦桑尼亚唯一一所配备事工领袖的英语教学圣经学院,这意味着学生接受培训以在国内和国际上服务。 这个任务中最令人兴奋的部分之一是创建一个故事小组来教授圣经故事和个人讲故事。我和我的学生目前正在编写一本选集,以分享他们的故事: 在迫害中幸存下来,让所有人跟随基督。
请考虑与我们合作祈祷并在经济上帮助资助 theological education 和即将出版的学生选集。谢谢你,我期待在宣教和祈祷中与你合作。上帝保佑你。
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