
感谢您考虑写说增加学院。所提供的课程结合了我在过去 20 年中作为出版商、记者、传播顾问、故事教练、 畅销书作家和代笔作家为初创企业、名人、部委、和非营利组织。我的热情是帮助像您这样有远见的人分享改变生活的故事,同时为自己和家人创造可持续的遗产。
Apostle Michael A. Freeman
"Thank you for your consistent diligence to ensure that I get this important word out to the world...>

Thank you for your consistent diligence to ensure that I get this important word out to the world. The unmeasurable hours you have given to this project is forever appreciated."
Dr. DeeDee
"Thank you Natasha Brown for helping me pen my words.
You are phenomenal!."

"Thank you Natasha Brown for helping me pen my words.
You are phenomenal!."
James Fortune
"I am forever grateful... >

"I had never written a book before and I didn't even know where to start, but after discussing my vision and ideas with you, you were able to guide me in the right direction. I am forever grateful.
Tressa "Azarel" Smallwood
"Natasha is a ghostwriting guru. A lot of the big time books that I've been able to put out for people, Natasha has been the person behind the scenes writing them. >

She is a fabulous ghostwriter.
Carl Sharperson, Jr.

"Superior resource for the entire process of writing and publishing... >
Natasha is a superior resource and book coach for the entire process of writing and publishing a book. She was mine, check it out.
Natasha M. Brown
"I never envisioned myself to be an author, but you did. I had so many ideas, and you brought them full circle in such a short amount of time... >

"To my book coach and publisher, Natasha T. Brown, thank you for believing in me and taking this journey with me. I remember praying for help in the morning and finding your page in the afternoon. It was God-sent. Thank you for believing in me and for keeping me focused whenever I wanted to veer off path. I never envisioned myself to be an author, but you did. I had so many ideas, and you brought them full circle in such a short amount of time.
娜塔莎的 传记
Natasha Brown Watson,医学博士,MS。是排名第一的畅销书作家、出版商、圣经教师和传教士,被召唤到市场和全球宣教。她是 ELOHAI International Publishing & Media 的首席执行官,10 Blessings Inspiration 的创始人,家庭暴力支持非营利组织,以及 We Who Dwell Faith Network 的祈祷动员者。自 2015 年进入出版界以来,她为基督教领袖代写了 30 多本书,并指导了数百名作家。她是畅销书《背叛的 10 种祝福》和《没有多余》的作者。在出版之前,Natasha 是一名企业传播者、品牌战略家和公关人员,为名人、艺术家和企业提供战略和内容。